vulture festival 2017

Anthony Atamanuik’s Donald Trump Impression Is Something to Behold

Anthony Atamanuik as Donald Trump

Anthony Atamanuik will be appearing as Trump at this year’s Vulture Festival on Sunday, May 21, at 1 p.m. in New York. Tickets are available now on!

There was a moment in the first episode of Comedy Central’s The President Show that will go down in impression history. Anthony Atamanuik is playing the president giving a tour of his New York — and Trump’s tired after a long day. But … what’s that noise? He hears a truck, and then, well you have to watch (4:50 mark):

This is the best a Trump impression has been. Watching it, I can’t remember if this is what Trump’s voice actually sounds like, and I don’t care. Like the best impressions, sonic accuracy is secondary to capturing his essence. At the center of Atamanuik’s brilliant Trump is a scared baby who misses his old life and loves trucks and is plagued by a hidden feeling of emptiness. For Atamanuik, Trump is an id-driven sociopath, like all children are id-driven sociopaths. It’s more than saying “yuge” and putting on orange face paint: Atamanuik’s impression goes down to the psychology. You have to see it believe it.

Which is why we were so excited to get him for Vulture Festival, where he’ll be interviewed in character as Trump by New York national affairs editor Gabriel Sherman, a journalist who has interviewed the actual Trump. It will be hilarious and cathartic and empowering and the greatest event ever. You won’t believe this event. It will be the biggest event with the best people with the most golden skin and hair and bathtubs.

The event will be held on Sunday, May 21, at 1 p.m. at the Standard Hotel.

Anthony Atamanuik’s Trump Impression Is Something to Behold