Ryan Murphy’s Katrina: American Crime Story has cast its President George Bush. Entertainment Weekly reports that Dennis Quaid is joining the production as W. alongside a cast that already includes Annette Bening (Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco), Matthew Broderick (FEMA Director Michael “Heckuva job, Brownie” Brown), and probably Sarah Paulson, though she has not officially signed on yet. Quaid has a history of playing presidents, including one go as Bill Clinton in the HBO movie The Special Relationship, and even as a Bush 43 facsimile in American Dreamz. In that movie he went by President Stanton, a salt-and-peppered simpleton with a squint and an accent like W., who realized that being commander-in-chief is a big, scary job after he started reading the news for the first time. For Katrina, Quaid will likely be playing a much subtler version of the young Bush.