What started out as an ill-conceived artistic stunt has now cost Kathy Griffin one of her biggest jobs. After denouncing the controversial photo shoot in which Griffin posed with a model of Donald Trump’s bloody severed head, calling it “disgusting and offensive,” (Griffin has since apologized) the network announced that it has terminated her contract on the network’s New Year’s Eve show. Griffin co-hosted that show for ten years with Anderson Cooper, who also strongly criticized the photo. “For the record, I am appalled by the photo shoot Kathy Griffin took part in,” he tweeted. “It is clearly disgusting and completely inappropriate.” In the fallout from the photos, Griffin has already been dropped from an upcoming ad campaign with the toilet stool company Squatty Potty, which called the photos “deeply inappropriate and contrary to the core values our company stands for.” Trump also tweeted that Griffin “should be ashamed of herself.”
This post has been updated throughout.