Call it Cooking With Katy: “Bon Appétit” edition. Katy Perry has released the music video for her Migos collab, and she’s being baked and broiled in L.A. chef Roy Choi’s kitchen. A searing commentary on the way our culture consumes women? Almost. The video is mostly deeply uncomfortable meal prep, punctuated with a cannibal cabal. Migos, knowing better, don’t partake in any of Perry’s too-literal visuals. Let’s break down the most uncomfortable moments. Bone app the teeth, as they say!
We’re in a decidedly science-fiction-y sleek cavern, about to witness some sort of rebirth. No, that’s not a xenomorph under that Glad Cling Wrap. That’s Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson we’ve stumbled upon, with chefs ready to throw her in an oven.
“Hello, Hannibal Lecter? Long time no see. Yes — your order of subpar breaded pop song is being prepared.”
Somewhere in America, both Mr. Fantastic and Elastigirl from the The Incredibles are furiously dialing their agents, wondering how Katy Perry acquired their powers.
If that opening title was any indication, we should be getting some sort of pie by the end of this. So why is Katy Perry being adorned with vegetables?
Once again, time to forget those pies she solicited from her fans via Twitter. It now seems Katy is being cooked for an omnivore’s feast.
Next step: Let’s prime this human with some condiments. Katy Perry, who never thought of a metaphor she didn’t demand to take absolutely literally, is being sliced and diced for male consumption.
Los Angeles chef Roy Choi oversees this meal prep:
She’s done! Sleek with chicken grease, Crisco oil, and a smokey eye, Katy Perry is ready to be devoured.
Migos, however, called ahead for bottle service and will not be partaking in this meal.
Naturally that ritzy cocktail hour turns into some kind of cannibal’s free for all — not my scene. But Katy found her pie, and twist! It’s not cherry-flavored, it’s foot-flavored. Yum?