If you happen to be wandering midtown Manhattan this morning, look up and you just might spot Melissa McCarthy dressed as Sean Spicer flying by on a magic podium ride. This weekend, McCarthy hosts Saturday Night Live in timing orchestrated beautifully by the universe. She’s already brought her impersonation of the buffoonish White House press secretary to SNL twice, but with the full show at her disposal amid a week that saw Donald Trump fire the head of the FBI James Comey and Spicer cower “among” the bushes to avoid all questions about it, the possibilities for evisceration are limitless. So don’t bother searching the White House shrubbery to find Spicer this weekend. He’ll just be screaming his way through midtown NYC traffic on his portable podium, perfect for going on the lam while the country burns. Look, he’ll even make a pit stop to bid farewell to his good friends at CNN. Spicey gone wild!