Ask and, on very rare occasion with Radiohead, you shall receive. Last year, Vulture got down on both knees and begged the band to at last release their decades-old song “Lift” on wax — this, after they’d finally revisited “True Love Waits” long enough to put it on a record — arguing on behalf of a fandom tired of replaying it only in live form. Today, Radiohead has acknowledged that they heard our plea. Or at least we’ll take all the credit for this momentous news: On June 23, Radiohead is reissuing OK Computer for its 20th anniversary (the new version is called OKNOTOK, okay?), offering with it a treasure trove of rarities that will include that elusive “original studio recording” of “Lift.” Jonny Greenwood was telling the truth! The reissue will also present to the world the unreleased tracks “Man of War” and “I Promise,” plus pages from Thom Yorke’s notebook from that era and other goodies. All the original tracks will be remastered. Don’t say we never gave you anything.