If Zac Efron had a sling on his arm, there would be a line of people down the block waiting to help him carry his books to his car. Which is just one of the many qualities that make him a fitting casting choice for director Joe Berlinger’s Ted Bundy biopic Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Extremely Wicked tells the story of the infamously charming necrophiliac serial killer, who murdered at least 30 women across seven states during the 1970s. The story will be told from the perspective of his longtime on-again, off-again girlfriend Elizabeth Kloepfer. Kloepfer eventually began to suspect Bundy was responsible for several deaths in Washington and Utah, and repeatedly contacted the police with her concerns about him even as the pair continued their romantic involvement. Zac Efron has definitely already got the “disarmingly normal-seeming” part down pat. Now he’s just got to nail, you know, all the other stuff.