On Monday, just after his (decidedly hilarious) Twitter commercial dropped, Chance the Rapper took to Twitter to release a seemingly unrelated list of movies. At first, we were concerned that they might be ones he’s fond of. Bullworth? Hmm. Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls? Whatever — most of us have a soft spot for movies we know are bad. But The Blind Side? Inquiring minds need to be reassured that Chance the Rapper does not like The Blind Side. (It is bad.) But then we got another clue this thread might be a list of Movies Chance Hates. It’s well known that he didn’t like Chiraq, which also made his thread, so breathe easy. This is definitely a list of movies he’s not into. But, Chance, while we have you here, talking cinema: A promo for your new A24 movie would be much appreciated. XOXO, Vulture.
(Not a good week to be Rob Schneider, it seems.)