When you look at the first photos from The Assassination of Gianni Versace, it’s easy to see why Ryan Murphy bumped the season of American Crime Story up before Katrina. As if in an homage of SNL’s Stefon, the show has everything, from Penelope Cruz in a platinum blonde Donatella Versace wig to Darren Criss giving his best tortured puppy-dog eyes as Versace’s killer Andrew Cunanan. The first photos from the season, via EW, look like stills from a ’90s fashion mag whose editors got drunk on mai-tais and high on camp. Let’s break down the looks.
First, we’ve got Edgar Ramirez as Gianni Versace, giving us Miami Medici chic.

Then there’s Ricky Martin as Versace’s longtime partner Antonio D’Amico. Martin’s wearing some ugly pool shoes, but let’s ignore that and focus on his body, because really, that’s what this whole Greek statue pose is begging us to do. (Ricky Martin loves a Speedo, and the world thanks him for it.)

Here’s Penelope Cruz as Donatella Versace in what we only assume will end up being Lady Gaga’s surprisingly low-key Oscars dress one day. At first I thought she was chained to this stone vase, but no, that’s just a statement bracelet.

This is Darren Criss, with serial-killer eyes and a serial-killer polo. On Instagram, he has assured that he also will be wearing a Speedo, and potentially, even less than that.

The Assassination of Gianni Versace will air in the early part of 2018.