Fresh off his hit performances at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner and Netflix special Homecoming King, Daily Show correspondent Hasan Minhaj is headed to the big screen. According to Deadline, Minhaj has joined the cast of an upcoming film at Lionsgate called The Spy Who Dumped Me, which will star SNL’s Kate McKinnon and Mila Kunis. The film centers on two friends named Morgan and Audrey, who “become entangled in an undercover mission after Audrey’s unassuming ex-boyfriend shows up at their apartment with a team of deadly assassins on his trail.” Minhaj has signed on to play Topher Duffer, “a CIA operative trying to track down Mila and Kate’s characters after they go on the run.” Susanna Fogel co-wrote the script with David Iserson and is also attached to direct the film, which is slated to hit theaters on July 8, 2018.