Don’t worry, a few fractures won’t stop Jeremy Renner from doing whatever Jeremy Renner spends his time doing. The actor slash house flipper slash liquor spokesman slash star of the Jeremy Renner app appeared at the Karlovy Vary Film Festival today and discussed how the arm injuries he sustained filming Tag* might affect the projects he has in the works. According to Variety, Renner fractured his right elbow and left wrist and “claimed, with a wry smile” that “I’m sort of a problem solver, you know. There will be an affect to it, but it won’t stop me from doing things that I need to be doing.” The things Jeremy Renner needs to be doing include promoting his new film Wind River, shooting the next Bourne movie, and, at the moment, filming a comedy. “I’m doing a job that isn’t really requiring a ton of stunts: It’s not an action movie, it’s a comedy — it just happens to have a few stunts in it,” Renner said. “So I don’t have to beat a whole lot of people up or do anything crazy. So it won’t really affect my job … It affects how I get dressed in the morning. I can’t tie my shoes.”
Luckily, one thing that Jeremy Renner’s arm injuries have not affected is his output on Instagram, where he has thoroughly documented his recovery process.
Jeremy Renner is okay, okay? He’s okay!
*Update: Variety first reported that Renner sustained injuries while shooting Avengers: Infinity War. He was instead filming the comedy Tag.