Between Sean Spicer’s mini-fridge and Anthony Scaramucci’s salty tongue, the Trump administration served up a ton of material for comedians this week. Vulture ran into Jorma Taccone on Thursday at a screening of Brigsby Bear hosted by the Cinema Society and Qui, and asked how he’d tackle all this White House news. (Taccone produced Brigsby Bear, which was created by the SNL-employed team of writer/star Kyle Mooney and director Dave McCary.)
“I would love to write a sketch for the old Mad TV show where Spicer and the Mooch live together and they just get along really, really great,” Taccone told Vulture. “They would both get girls, they would both do really well, and there would be tons of high fives. They would constantly be eating lobster together just because they love it. Secretly they are both allergic to it, but they feel compelled to eat it because it is a rich-guy food.”
But Spicer and the Mooch would also have a dark side: “Every act break ends with one or the other of them crying alone in their rooms and being really upset and they are both writing in journals, like private journals,” Taccone explained. “And they would say, ‘I don’t know what I’m doing, I feel morally corrupt.’ And then at one point they swap journals and they don’t even notice because it is basically the same journal. There is a lot of crying themselves to sleep. But on the face of it, they are killing it.”
Naturally, a Three’s Company–like neighbor would also pop by to be ridiculed. “It would be a well-established literary type that they pick on a lot,” Taccone explained. “It should be Tony Kushner or George Saunders. They are constantly calling him a nerd and pouring Slurpees on his head, but secretly they are both kind of in love with them.”
So who would Taccone cast for the lead roles? “They have to play themselves,” he said. “They could easily do it. I think they could get sign off. I am sure it is possible for one or both of them to distract Trump with a piece of lint or a loop of a news feed from the ‘80s and go off and shoot a week’s worth of footage. I would imagine if we did it correctly, we could probably shoot them out in 35 days, get at least a six-episode arc out of that.”