With Twin Peaks: The Return reaching its halfway point on Showtime, many questions still remain: When will the real Agent Cooper finally awaken? Why the hell haven’t we seen Audrey yet? It’s fine, we get it. We want to see Good Coop move like a cobra and squeeze another assassin’s palm off just as much as you do. But take a breather and forget the narrative for a moment. Instead, look at Kyle MacLachlan’s Twitter and Instagram, where you will be greeted with an endless cornucopia of Twin Peaks–centric delights.
Let’s begin in Amsterdam, where our dear Coop decided to go on a one-handed bike ride as he juggles a cup full of hot coffee. “Dam good coffee in Dam square,” he captioned the video, “On a damn bike!” The background? A coffee shop that proudly declares its “Dam Good Coffee.” So many layers!
He knows how to draw on the current political climate for caffeine-related jokes, too. #Covfefe.
Dale Cooper is a name that was born to croon.
This dizzy Dougie should’ve come with a seizure warning.
Like you, MacLachlan enjoys posting “flashback Friday” photos. Unlike you, his friendship with his Peaks co-star Laura Dern is legitimate and does not exist in his imagination.
Hey, man, you had 25 years to sleep in the Red Room.
Yes, you are doing this right.
Jack Nance would’ve appreciated the percolator shout-out.
On Twitter, MacLachlan is even more delightful, frequently indulging fans’ various Peaks quips with witticisms of his own.
No, the jacket is crucial.