Patty Jenkins and Chris Pine are reuniting on the small screen. TNT announced Thursday that the Wonder Woman director and her Steve Trevor are developing a six-episode series inspired by the autobiography of Fauna Hodel, a woman whose journey to track down her birth mother leads her to a mystery linked to the Hollywood’s Black Dahlia murder. Per TNT’s release: “One Day She’ll Darken tells the incredible story of Fauna Hodel, who was given away by her teenage birth mother to a black restroom attendant in a Nevada casino in 1949. As Fauna begins to investigate the secrets to her past, she follows a sinister trail that swirls ever closer to an infamous Hollywood gynecologist, Dr. George Hodel, a man involved in the darkest Hollywood debauchery, the spider in the web around the legendary “Black Dahlia” murder of Elizabeth Short in Los Angeles in 1947.”
Pine will play Jay Singletary, an ex-Marine turned reporter-paparazzo who’s also on the case, looking for redemption after he reported the Hodel story years ago. Sam Sheridan, author of A Fighter’s Heart and The Disaster Diaries, will write the six-episode series. Jenkins, Michael Sugar (13 Reasons Why), Sheridan, and Pine will executive produce. Jenkins, who has not been confirmed to direct Wonder Woman 2, will direct the pilot and possibly additional episodes.