It’s been over ten years since Saturday Night Live originally aired the commercial parody “Taco Town,” in which an enthusiastic Andy Samberg, Jason Sudeikis, and Bill Hader learn about one fast food chain’s brand new multi-layered, 15-flavor food product/monstrosity called the “Pizza Crepe Taco Pancake Chili Bag.” Today, the sketch is getting some more well-deserved love thanks to a new episode of the web series Binging with Babish, in which Andrew Rea attempts to create the “Taco Town” super-taco to surprisingly positive results. He even has the “Taco Town” commemorative tote bag ready at the end filled with spicy vegetarian chili, in case you doubt his devotion to SNL’s original vision. Check out the SNL sketch from 2005 above, and watch Rea create the giant taco/pancake/chili hybrid below – skip to around 4:30 to get right to it: