Every ‘Old Taylor’ Taylor Swift Killed in the ‘Look What You Made Me Do’ Video

RIP to many Taylors past.

In Taylor Swift’s video for her new single “Look What You Made Me Do,” she subscribes to the Dark Knight superstition that you can either die the hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. But, rather than abide by that already flawed belief, Taylor attempts to do both. In an all too literal sense of self, she kills off all the Old Taylors past, scrubbing out iconic image (to her fan base, anyway) after iconic image from all her self-determined eras of yesteryear. And in their place, now stands atop the pile of bodies, the new and improved(?) murderess New Taylor. Except who but Taylor knew there were so many Taylors that had to die? Let’s take a closer look at the Taylor Swift graveyard.

RIP Platinum Blonde Taylor (2016-2016)
We hardly knew ye. (Not pictured, but another artifact of that era gone: Vogue Goth Boot Taylor.)

RIP “Out of the Woods” Taylor (2015-2015)
But also, welcome to the undead? Taylor’s zombie corpse from her “Out of the Woods” video represents the final phase of her 1989 era — it was the last all-original video she released from that album — and apparently, “Old Taylor’s” final form.

RIP 1989 World Tour Taylor (2015-2015)
Not pictured, but also dead: Her blue skirt and black crop-top outfit from this tour; white two-piece with thigh-high black boots; and blue-sequin bomber jacket. And from that album’s photo shoot: Taylor in the white-hole shirt, and blue sweatshirt with birds on it.

RIP MTV Video Music Awards Taylor (2015-2015)
Though it seems New Taylor stills cares about the VMAs just as much as the old one did.

RIP Billboard Music Awards Taylor (2015-2015)

RIP IHeartRadio Music Awards Taylor (2015-2015)

RIP New Year’s Eve Taylor (2015-2015)
Only New Taylor made it to 2017.

RIP “Blank Space” Taylor (2014-2014)
Rather than kill off the unhinged Taylor of that video, she sent up that video’s entire locale — now transforming her mansion of horrors into a dance floor with souvenir exes on display. (Not pictured, but no longer with us: Taylor in her floral gown from this video.)

RIP VMAs Taylor, again (2014-2014)

RIP “Shake It Off” Ballerina Black Swan Taylor (2014-2014)

RIP “Shake It Off” Cheerleader Taylor (2014-2014)

RIP Met Gala Taylor (2014-2014)
And just as Old Taylor’s life ends with a zombified “Out of the Woods” Taylor, buried in her coffin is what many consider to be the start of the 1989 era: her Met Gala appearance.

RIP Academy of Country Music Awards Taylor (2014-2014)

RIP Red Tour Ringleader Taylor (2013-2014)

RIP “We Are Never Getting Back Together” Taylor (2012-2012)

RIP Fearless Tour Taylor (2009-2010)
Teardrops on her guitar and all. (Not picture, but also dearly departed: Marching Band Taylor.)

RIP 2009 VMAs Taylor (2009-2009)
Understandably, she really wants VMAs Taylor dead.

RIP “You Belong With Me” Taylor (2008)
Now, instead of dudes, New Taylor wears all her closest girlfriends’ names with honor. (Not pictured, but farewell to it, too: Prom Dress Taylor.)

Not pictured, but still very much deceased: “Bad Blood” VMA Performance Taylor (2015-2015); Victoria’s Secret Show Taylor (2014-2014); “Blank Space” on The Voice Taylor (2014-2014); American Music Awards Taylor (2013-2013); Speak Now World Tour Taylor, both her purple dress and gold fringe dress (2011-2012); “I Knew You Were Trouble” Video Taylor (2012-2012); Red Cover Taylor (2012-2012); “Ours” Video Taylor (2010); Grammys Taylor (2008-2008); ACMs Taylor, again (2008-2008); “Love Story” Video Taylor (2008-2008); “Tim McGraw” Video Taylor (2006-2006.)

Let’s play spot the Old Taylor:

May we gather here forever to pay our respects.

Every ‘Old Taylor’ Taylor Swift Killed in Her ‘LWYMMD’ Video