Whether you were a fan of Broken Lizard’s 2001 cult comedy or you simply enjoy a group of good friends working in law enforcement getting together to shave each other’s balls, the first trailer for Super Troopers 2 is here for you to enjoy. Per the film’s YouTube channel, ST2 will apparently venture into geopolitics: “When the United States and Canada get into a dispute about the location of the actual border, the Super Troopers — Mac, Thorny, Foster, Rabbit and Farva — are called in to set up a new Highway Patrol station in the contested area.” Sadly, there’s no sign of Rob Lowe as “a former hockey player and the current mayor of a Quebec Canadian border town” just yet, but brand-new Mountie uniforms and a Jim Gaffigan cameo clearly demonstrate your Indiegogo dollars are hard at work. (The sequel’s crowd-funding effort raised $4.4 million.) The movie doesn’t premiere until April 20 of next year, so you have a few months before you’ll know for sure if the film’s shenanigans are cheeky and fun or, as is equally likely, cruel and tragic.