Tonight Taylor Swift will return from a year of dormancy with her fangs sharpened and a new single to unleash. And it appears her presumed latest prey, Kim Kardashian, already wants nothing to do with it. As BuzzFeed points out, Kardashian has pulled a Taylor and is blocking people from leaving the snake emoji in the comments on her Instagram. Last year, in the wake of Kim exposing Taylor’s recorded conversation with Kanye West in which Taylor is heard approving his lyric about her on “Famous” despite previous statements saying otherwise, many of Kim’s fans flooded Taylor’s Instagram with the snake emoji, insinuating that she had devious intentions. Then Kim subtweeted Taylor on National Snake Day. Around that time, Instagram introduced a new filter allowing users to block certain content from being visible in their comment section; Taylor was one of the first to take advantage of it in its test run, ridding her account of all snake emoji. She had previously released a statement saying she “would very much like to be excluded from this narrative.”
However, in the runup to the announcement of her new album Reputation, Taylor turned the tables on Kim, using a threatening image of a snake in several teasers, prompting her fans to now spam Kim’s socials with snake emoji. Now, it seems Kim is enforcing the same Instagram filter Taylor used. Vulture attempted to leave a snake emoji under Kim’s latest post (forgive us), and while you can send the comment and it will appear to you if you’re logged in, it won’t be visible to anyone else. But as other commenters have figured out — and Kim surely will — you can comment the word “snake” and also the dragon emoji, which sort of looks like a snake if you squint. Something tells us neither subject of this narrative is done spitting venom just yet.