As if you needed more proof that everyone adores former wrestler, current movie star, and presidential hopeful Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson, known wrestling fan Mac DeMarco went on the most recent episode of the Beats 1 radio show “Start Making Sense” to confess his love for the Rock. He started off by mentioning his curiosity as to what it would be like to hug Johnson — noting that “he’s so big” — and then moved on to describe the coffee shrine he set up for the Rock, naturally:
I lived in this place in New York where one of roommates is a huge pro-wrestling fan, so I set up this huge coffee station as an homage to Dwayne, and we had a big doll of him there, and we made a T-shirt and I did this Instagram post. And nothing! I didn’t hear anything. And then my girlfriend Kiera wears a Rock shirt one day, and like, posts about it, and he comments on her photo! Comments like “love you babe” or something and I was like “What?”
If the Rock is looking now (let’s hope he is), here’s said shrine for your convenience. Tell Mac what you think!