Whether or not you loved Mad Men, it is a stone-cold fact that the AMC drama was one of the most delicious-looking shows ever put on television. Showrunner Matthew Weiner knows he had a good thing going with his landmark program, too, so he’s bringing back a whole bunch of people from his old creative team to juice up his new Amazon series, The Romanoffs. If the visual imprint of the anthology about descendants of the Russian royal family ends up looking familiar, that’s because Weiner is staffing up with a director of photography (Chris Manley), a costume designer (Janie Bryant), two production designers (Henry Dunn and Christopher Brown), and the leads for hair (Theraesa Rivers) and makeup (Lana Horochowski) from his Mad Men days. That’s in addition to the five writer-producers from the era of Sterling Cooper Draper Price who will also be working on The Romanoffs. Isabelle Huppert deserves to have this kind of team behind her, and to be swathed in only the most sumptuous textiles.