No amount of delightful J.Law late-night appearances can alleviate the crippling blow Mother! just took on its opening night. Per the popular poll-based website CinemaScore, which, yup, assigns an average audience score for films that have been released, Darren Aronofsky’s latest outing has earned the not-too-ideal rating of “F” — the worst score that can be assigned. It should be noted, though, that this rare “F” is only reflective of Mother!’s first night in theaters, and it could possibly bloom to a “D” or “C” in the upcoming days. Still, not too great, huh? If you’re curious, other films that have received “F”s in the past have included Steven Soderbergh’s Solaris, William Friedkin’s Bug, Richard Kelly’s The Box, and that Lindsay Lohan–fronted I Know Who Killed Me. This will hopefully be the only time Lohan and Lawrence achieve cinematic equivalence.