The world wasn’t ready for David S. Pumpkins last October. But that jack-o’-lantern–suited entertainer became an instant Saturday Night Live icon when he appeared over and over again in the 50 Floors of Frights Halloween attraction. Pumpkins has been dormant since then, but the actor who plays him, Tom Hanks, just provided a surprise status update, tweeting a little glimpse at a new David Pumpkins script that starts with “The David S. Pumpkins Song” and promises “A very Sorcerer’s Apprentice’s-type sequence.” (Here’s hoping they’re going for the Fantasia one, and not something out of the 2010 Nic Cage movie.) But where will David’s floating and singing pumpkins appear? Will it be on SNL? The 43rd season premiere is happening on September 30, so that would be a lot of advance notice for a sketch, but maybe it’s a digital short and David is getting the high-gloss music video treatment? If so, will the skeleton dancers be back? Otherwise, it’s possible this script is for the Emmys broadcast this Sunday, but that ceremony airs on CBS instead of the SNL home base of NBC. We have a lot of questions, but that’s what makes this all feel so comfortably David S. Pumpkins.