A few seasons ago, The Mindy Project blessed us with a good joke involving ornamental arrangements and A-list celebrities: Mindy Kaling’s character, Mindy Lahiri, decorated her apartment door with a wreath adorned in photos of Reese Witherspoon. ’Tis the season for “Wreath Witherspoon”! Now, appropriately, the wreath will be transformed into the real deal — science be damned. Witherspoon will be guest-starring in The Mindy Project’s final season, although nothing is currently known about her role or how many episodes she’ll be in. “Our latest #themindyproject guest star is the only woman I would want to be trapped in a cave with,” Kaling teased on Instagram. “This is weirdly the second cave we have acted in together!” Witherspoon, who co-starred with Kaling in the upcoming adaptation of A Wrinkle in Time, also excitedly echoed Kaling’s sentiment: “We had so much fun. She asked me to do it, and I was like, ‘Of course!’”
Now put on your long-weekend thinking hats. Who will Witherspoon play? Our money’s on an extended Elle Woods hallucination sequence prompted by Mindy eating way too many bags of Nacho Cheese Doritos.