At a press conference on Wednesday, Montia Sabbag, the woman filmed in a sex tape with Kevin Hart, denied any involvement with an alleged extortion plot over the leak. “I am not an extortionist,” she said. “I have not broken any laws. I had nothing to do with these recordings.” Sabbag, who also corrected reports that she is a stripper (she’s a recording artist and an actress), confirmed that she had what her lawyer described as an “intimate” relationship with Hart one month ago in a Las Vegas hotel that was filmed without her consent. Hart, who is married, has since claimed that an unidentified person has threatened to leak the tape if he does not pay them and attempted to get out in front of the scandal with an admission of “mistakes” on Instagram; Sabbag also confirmed that she has no knowledge of who that person is (or who filmed her and Hart) and has not been contacted by law enforcement, but is taking legal action. She added that despite earlier reports, she did not request money from Hart in exchange for submitting to a lie detector test and will not be taking one. Sabbag apologized for “any involvement I had in this.” An FBI investigation into the alleged extortion plot is ongoing.