Two weeks after the sexual-assault and harassment allegations against Harvey Weinstein broke, a female colleague tells Variety she was sexually harassed by Weinstein’s brother and business partner Bob Weinstein. Amanda Segel, an executive producer on the SpikeTV series The Mist (which was produced by the Weinsteins’ Dimension Television), says Bob Weinstein asked her to come up to his room after a dinner; after she refused, he continued to ask her out despite her repeated rejections. Segel’s lawyer says the harassment only stopped when she threatened to quit the show. Afterward, she reportedly worked out an arrangement in which she would never be in the same room as Weinstein, or on a call with him. “‘No’ should be enough,” Segel tells the magazine. “After ‘no,’ anybody who has asked you out should just move on.” In a statement to Variety, Bob Weinstein’s representative said that he had had one dinner with Segal, but denied that he had “acted inappropriately” at the dinner or afterward.
Since the Harvey Weinstein allegations have come to light, the younger Weinstein has maintained that he had no knowledge of his brother’s alleged sexual misconduct, while admitting he could have done more to stop Harvey’s very public nonsexual abuse. “I saw it and I asked him to get help for many years,” he told THR on Saturday. “And that’s the truth. He avoided getting the help. We begged him.”