Let the little children come unto Sean Spicer, and immediately confuse him with Melissa McCarthy. According to Billy Eichner, himself nominated for hosting Billy on the Street, virtually no one would talk to Sean Spicer after the former White House press secretary performed at the Emmys. The lone exception to that informally agreed-upon stonewalling? Little Young Sheldon himself, or, more accurately, the star of CBS’s Big Bang Theory spinoff prequel Iain Armitage. According to Eichner, who honestly might just be riffing at this point in his Wednesday-night Conan interview, 9-year-old Armitage later approached him and Jim Parsons to ask if he had been talking to the actual Sean Spicer or the lady who plays him on SNL or what? To be fair, Young Sheldon was definitely not the only person thrown by Spicer’s bit that evening. Even a Regular Sheldon might have easily been confused.