the political climate

Kid Rock Confirmed He’s Not Running for Senate in an Extremely Kid Rock Way

Photo: Scott Legato/Getty Images

There are so many questions to be asked about the musician and goatee vehicle known as Kid Rock: For instance, when will he become a Man Rock? What does bawitdaba even mean? And, the most potentially frightening, is he actually running for Senate? Mr. Rock, né Robert James Ritchie, announced a Senate run in his home state of Michigan when he launched back in July. While it was met with a healthy dose of skepticism, Senator Kid Rock would absolutely fit into the dark timeline in which we now live. (And Democratic Senator Debbie Stabenow sure seemed ready to gear up for a fight.) On Tuesday, Ritchie reportedly confirmed that his Senate run was a big joke on the Howard Stern Show. “Fuck no, I’m not running for Senate. Are you fucking kidding me? Who couldn’t figure that out?” he said. “I’m releasing a new album. I’m going on tour, too. Are you fucking shitting me?” Hey, there’s always 2020.

Kid Rock Confirmed He’s Not Running for Senate