video game movies

The Long-Rumored Live-Action Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Returns to Snatch Up All Your Gold Rings

Photo: Sega

If the Guardians of the Galaxy films have taught us anything, it’s that our anthropomorphic-woodland-creature technology is finally where we need it to be for a Sonic the Hedgehog movie. Which is perfect, because Paramount Pictures just put a live-action feature starring Sega’s super-speedy blue mammal into development. A version of the movie was previously under consideration at Sony, until, according to Variety, the studio let their film rights lapse. Paramount’s Sonic will reportedly be directed by Jeff Fowler, who was nominated for an Academy Award for his 2004 animated short Gopher Broke, and executive-produced by Deadpool director Tim Miller, co-story writer and EP of that very same short. The Sonic film will apparently combine live-action footage and CGI animation, which, taken into consideration with those Gopher Oscar nods, makes us wonder: Have they checked Andy Serkis’s availability yet?

Long-Rumored Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Is Back in Development