Honestly, it was only a matter of time before Donald Trump hurled some insults Michael Moore’s way due to Moore’s popular presidential-bashing Broadway show, The Terms of My Surrender. But what are those insults, you ask? Not very creative ones! And ones that are also factually incorrect! Taking to Twitter on Saturday evening, President Trump thought deeply about adjectives while trying to ruffle Moore’s feathers. “While not at all presidential I must point out that the Sloppy Michael Moore Show on Broadway was a TOTAL BOMB and was forced to close,” he wrote. “Sad!” As the New York Times notes, The Terms of My Surrender was always planned as a 12-week run at New York’s Belasco Theatre, and it closed as planned last week. This would make Trump’s assertion that it was “forced to close” false. Shocker.
Moore, unsurprisingly, responded to Trump’s tweet with a longer Twitter rant of his own. “You must have my smash hit of a Broadway show confused with your presidency — which IS a total bomb and WILL indeed close early. NOT SAD,” he wrote, among harsher statements about the current political climate. “You ARE aware I’m a ‘b’way star’ & I guess this bothers you more. SAD … they say Twitter ‘distracts’ you from your presidency. But Twitter IS YOUR PRESIDENCY! It’s all you know how to do.”
Moore also wrote that The Terms of My Surrender was the highest-grossing non-musical play of the summer, despite purposely making tickets inexpensive to encourage people of all economic backgrounds to attend. Or as he translated to Trump: “On Broadway, Donald, they call it a ‘LIMITED ENGAGEMENT’ – just like we’re planning on making your presidency.”
As of now, Trump hasn’t responded to Moore’s round of tweets.