Following accusations from two men that APA agent Tyler Grasham sexually assaulted them, Orphan Black star Jordan Gavaris has echoed their stories. In a series of tweets, Gavaris claims that Grasham harassed him on multiple occasions about his sexuality when Gavaris was 21. (Gavaris publicly came out as gay in a Vulture interview in June.) Gavaris says Grasham also “forcibly implied he could ‘protect me’ if I joined his roster” and warned that his career would be “derailed” if he didn’t sign with APA. After Gavaris declined a dinner invitation with Grasham and an unnamed “notorious producer” accused of sexually assaulting minors, he says Grasham harassed him over the phone. When Gavaris confronted Grasham about his conduct, he says Grasham told him he was “overreacting.” “I told him he was dangerous,” Gavaris says he responded. Vulture has reached out to Gavaris for further comment.
In his #MeToo Facebook post, former actor Blaise Godbe Lipman claimed that Grasham got him drunk and sexually assaulted him when he was a teenager; another man then came forward to accuse Grasham of groping him, sharing screenshots of text conversations in which Grasham appears to apologize for the incident. On Friday, Stranger Things’ Finn Wolfhard and actor Cameron Boyce dropped Grasham as their agent, while APA says it is investigating the accusations. Gavaris claims that APA was “well aware” of Grasham’s behavior, “as was most of this town.”