Actresses Rose McGowan, Minka Kelly, Gwyneth Paltrow, Asia Argento, and many others have made public accusations against producer Harvey Weinstein, including sexual harassment, coercion, assault, and even rape, following a New York Times report detailing similar allegations against the former studio head. Meanwhile, performers like Terry Crews have opened up the conversation to discuss sexual harassment and assault in the entertainment industry at large. In a post entitled “In light of the Harvey Weinstein allegations,” actress Lili Reinhart joins them in revealing her own experience with workplace sexual harassment, which began when a former co-worker attempted to sexually assault her on a date. “I feel the need to share a story of my own personal experience where a man in a position of power over me, used that said power to try and take advantage of me,” the actress writes.
“I was a teenager working on a project … when I started to have a crush on a guy I was working with,” Reinhart begins on her Tumblr, explaining that her co-worker was a “significantly older” man who asked out the Riverdale star. “I’m not comfortable giving specific details about the situation because I don’t feel it’s necessary,” she says. “All that matters is that he tried to force himself on me when we were on a date.” After saying no and asking her date to take her home, Reinhart claims the the unnamed man reportedly brought his indignation back to the set with him. “Days following, he grew angry at the situation and became defensive about it and his actions. Claiming that I was ‘a tease’ and ‘the most manipulative woman he’d ever met.’ His ego was bruised to say the least, because I refused to engage with him sexually that night,” she recalls. The co-worker subsequently refused to speak to Reinhart, creating a hostile environment for which the actress blamed herself. “I was miserable,” she writes. “And felt that I needed to keep my mouth shut about the entire situation because 1. I figured no one would believe me and 2. He played a much bigger role in this project than me … he had more power. If I said something, maybe the production would be halted … people would be put out of work. I would be looked at as dramatic and a diva, no one would want to work with me again.” Reinhart concludes by extending her sympathy to the women who were victimized by Weinstein’s alleged pattern of harassment and assault. Writes the actress, “I’m coming forward about my own experience to further express how common these assaults are in this industry and how important it is that we take action to fight against it.” You can read the entire post here.