Running a successful windshield-repair-and-replacement company is presumably difficult enough without the nation’s preeminent sketch show insinuating your technicians are gross windshield-smashing stalkers. Safelite AutoGlass took to Twitter on Sunday to issue an exasperated “come on, guys” of dismay over a sketch aired on Saturday Night Live last night. In the sketch, which you can watch here and is, unfortunately, titled “Safelite,” Beck Bennett’s Safelite technician Ken is revealed to be repeatedly cracking windshields in order to hit on Aidy Bryant’s underage daughter, played by Melissa Villaseñor. “Although we can take a joke, this one was a step too far. Our techs are our heroes. #notcool,” the company tweeted. “We weren’t involved in creating it and we’re really disappointed in @NBCSNL for airing it.” Safelite AutoGlass: It promises its employees won’t intentionally shatter your windshield, hit on your children, or call any member of your family “basically a full woman” to your face. They just want to do the windshield-repair thing, honest.