Close your eyes. You hear that? It’s the sound of Hollywood’s finest makeup artists and hair stylists salivating at the thought of another Oscar. Because Helen Mirren, one of the finest dames in all the land, wants to try her hand at portraying Donald Trump — but with a very quintessentially English twist. Speaking with The Hollywood Reporter, Mirren expressed genuine interest in lending her talents to the portrayal of America’s current president. And frankly, who in their right mind would say no to that? “I’d be so funny as Trump,” she explained. “I love it. I’ve almost got the hair! I mean what a fascinating character. What an extraordinary character. I mean that’s a character isn’t it, the real thing? I would say real life is so much more interesting than anything you can make up. But you know, a fantastic sort of slightly Shakespearean character. He may have a Shakespearean fall, I don’t know but you know, he is an extraordinary character.”
But unlike Alec Baldwin’s signature “pregnant pauses” he uses while playing the commander-in-chief on SNL, Mirren has something a little different in mind in order to penetrate the psychology of the orange-y president. “You look at the upbringing. You look at the schooling, the father, the mother,” she continued. “I don’t know much about Mr. Trump’s background, but if I was to play him, I would definitely start there. You have to start with the child, and the child is very much in Trump.” To all of the producers out there: What the hell are you waiting for?