Cry us a river, every other movie to ever exist (except Moonlight, because you are still luminous, and Rumor Has It… because you are due for a critical reevaluation): Lady Bird, Greta Gerwig’s terrific and lovingly bratty coming-of-age movie has earned Rotten Tomatoes’ highest honor. Per IndieWire, Lady Bird is now the site’s best-reviewed film, with a 100 percent score after 165 reviews. (On the scale of “very baller” to “hella tight,” this news is extremely “very baller.”) The story of Christine “Lady Bird” McPherson’s senior year of high school toppled previous record holder Toy Story 3, which had earned a 100 percent score after 163 reviews.
Some of Lady Bird’s achievements so far: three Gotham Award nominations, four Independent Spirit Award nominations, and it opened with the best per-theater average of any movie this year ($375,612 from just four locations) until Call Me by Your Name premiered this past weekend. To date, Lady Bird has made $10 million in the four weeks since it was released, playing in less than 800 theaters. Shall we crank up the Dave Matthews to celebrate?