With dozens of women coming forward over the past month to reveal their disturbing and harrowing stories about Harvey Weinstein, Michelle Dockery is also choosing to share her experience with the Hollywood mogul that rubbed her the wrong way. In a new interview with The Guardian, Dockery explained how she met Weinstein about halfway through her tenure as Lady Mary Crawley in Downton Abbey — and although no misconduct occurred, the interaction still left her feeling uneasy. “It was a very brief meeting. Nothing much happened,” she recounted. “But I just remember “feeling un-com-fort-able. Mmmm.” Dockery had previously “heard the rumors” that were circulating about Weinstein’s behavior at the time, and she now has “huge admiration for those women who have come forward” with their respective allegations. She only hopes, though, that this current uproar really does effect change going forward. “This is huge and it’s shone a light on Hollywood. It feels like the floodgates have opened, and I think that the casting-couch system — well, the couch should be burned,” she explained. “I just think something has to change. And this is the start of it.”