A new accuser has come forward leveling charges of sexual assault against Kevin Spacey, this time from all the way back in 1981. A man named Andy Holtzman has gone on the record with USA Today to describe an odd, nonconsensual encounter he had with Spacey during his early career on Broadway. Holtzman alleges that when he worked as the head of the film program at the New York Shakespeare Theater Festival’s Public Theater, Spacey entered a room where he was working and, without saying anything, started forcing himself on Holtzman. “Within minutes, wordlessly, he was up and all over me,” he told USA Today. “The aggression was certainly more than a grope. When I was finally able to push him off and scream (at him), he theatrically stepped back, incredibly angry, grabbed his coat and bag, stormed out and slammed the door.”
Holtzman was 27 at the time and Spacey was 22, and he says he never spoke to Spacey about the alleged incident and was able to entirely avoid him after it occurred. The man says that while he regrets others have experienced trauma at the hands of Spacey, he does feel relief knowing that he is not the only one. “People ask (critically), why so many decades later are people coming forward — even I asked that,” Holtzman added. “I understand it so much clearer now. If it happens to you, it really changes the perspective. I feel a lot better now. I felt so alone at the time. Part of me feels vindicated now, to know there are a lot of us.”