Current U.S. Senator and former SNL-er Al Franken has been embroiled in an unpleasant sexual-misconduct scandal this week, but you know what they say: Your former employer won’t do anything to make you look even shittier, right? Ha! The show’s Weekend Update segment decided to do just that, reminding the nation that, no, not even their former 1970s players and writers are immune to some vicious late-night smackings if justified. “Now, I know this photo looks bad, but remember — it also is bad,” Colin Jost quipped. “Sure, this was taken before Franken ran for public office, but it was also taken after he was a sophomore in high school. It’s pretty hard to be like, ‘Oh, come on, he didn’t know anything — he was only 55.’” Added Michael Che: “Didn’t the troops in Afghanistan have it hard enough without having to sit through sketch comedy? I mean people can barely even stay up to watch sketches after Weekend Update.” Is 12:15 a.m. really that late?