In a true show of appreciation for the woman he calls his hero, Pete Davidson posted a picture today of his new Hillary Clinton tattoo. Judging by the jacket and hairstyle, it looks like Davidson went with a 1990s-era HRC. More specifically, the necklace detail and inclusion of the lapel brooch make it a dead ringer for Clinton’s look when she delivered a speech at the Beijing women’s conference in 1995, at which she said, “If there is one message that echoes forth from this conference, let it be that human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights, once and for all.” Clinton’s life in public service has spanned decades, but that speech remains a highlight to this day, and if Davidson deliberately chose that moment to pay tribute to, it really is the thoughtful Christmas gift to the former secretary of State he intended it to be. Or maybe he just loved that pink blazer she wore and wanted to celebrate it. Either way, it’s Pete and Hil forever now.
Update: Hillary Clinton approves of Davidson’s tattoo.