Bohemian Rhapsody, the Queen biopic starring Rami Malek as the band’s legendary front man Freddie Mercury, has taken an unplanned pause in production following director Bryan Singer’s unanticipated absence from filming. As the studio explained in a statement Friday, “Twentieth Century Fox Film has temporarily halted production on Bohemian Rhapsody due to the unexpected unavailability of Bryan Singer.” According to The Hollywood Reporter, the decision was necessitated by Singer’s failure to return to set following the Thanksgiving holiday. The director’s representative told the BBC that his sudden sabbatical was the result of “a personal health matter concerning Bryan and his family.” Said the rep in a statement, “Bryan hopes to get back to work on the film soon after the holidays.” According to the BBC, “Both Singer and a family member are believed to be suffering from health problems.” As of yet, there is no suggestion that Fox plans to push the release of the film, currently scheduled for December 25, 2018.