grammys 2018

Cardi B Got a Letter From a Fan at the Grammys: Bono

Amazing. Photo: Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images for NARAS

Suddenly, all of those U2 performances at this year’s Grammys make sense — they just needed multiple opportunities to see Cardi B. She wasn’t to be found on that barge in the middle of the Hudson because Cardi, a native New Yorker, knows that would be risking life and limb. However, it seems like they did eventually track her down inside Madison Square Garden, where she revealed that Bono gave her a (barely legible) handwritten fan letter. “He said I’m the biggest thing in Ireland!” she squealed. Bigger than Bono! She continued: “Bitch, this is fucking Bono. He knows me. He fucking knows me. I can’t believe it. I can’t motherfucking believe it. Nobody talk to me now.”

Cardi B Got a Letter From a Fan at the Grammys: Bono