David Copperfield has been accused by a former teen model of drugging and sexually assaulting her in 1988. The woman, Brittney Lewis, told the Wrap that she met the magician when she was 17 years old at the “Look of the Year” modeling contest in Atami, Japan. Copperfield was one of the judges. After the competition, he allegedly invited her to a show in California where Lewis claims he slipped a drug into her drink that made her black out. Her memories from the night include him kissing her and taking her clothes off of her, though she blacked out again. Lewis said that the next morning, “he wanted me to know that nothing happened because I was underage.” She added, “He said: ‘I didn’t enter you.’”
The next morning, Copperfield allegedly made Lewis write a letter saying that nothing had happened that night.
Prior to the report, Cooperfield had taken to Twitter on Wednesday night to write about the #MeToo movement. He wrote, “We all want people who feel they’ve been victims of sexual misconduct to be empowered, and as a rule we should listen, so more will feel comfortable coming forward. It’s important.” He added:
“But imagine what it’s like, believing in the movement, and having also been falsely accused publicly in the past. To have your life and your family’s life turned upside down.”
In 2007, former beauty queen Lacey Carroll accused Copperfield of sexual assault on his private island. The FBI investigated the claims, raiding Copperfield’s Las Vegas warehouse. However, the case was closed without charges. Carroll was then later charged with making a false sexual-assault claim against another man. She pleaded guilty in 2010 and was hit with a fine and community-service hours.
“I’ve lived with years of news reports about me being accused of fabricated, heinous acts, with few telling the story of the accuser getting arrested, and my innocence,” Copperfield wrote on Twitter about the earlier accusation. Then, addressing the new allegations he wrote, “So while I weather another storm, I want the movement to continue to flourish. Always listen, and consider everything carefully, but please for everyone’s sake don’t rush to judgment.”