Actor David Krumholtz (The Deuce, Numbers) has spoken out on Twitter against director Woody Allen. Krumholtz co-starred in the filmmaker’s most-recent film, Wonder Wheel, opposite Kate Winslet, Jim Belushi, and Justin Timberlake. “I deeply regret working with Woody Allen on Wonder Wheel,” Krumholtz tweet. “It’s one of my most heartbreaking mistakes. We can no longer let these men represent us in entertainment, politics, or any other realm. They are beneath real men.”
Woody Allen has been accused of sexually abusing his daughter Dylan Farrow. Allen’s son, Ronan Farrow, who authored the damning New Yorker report about Harvey Weinstein, wrote an essay about his sister’s alleged experience in 2016. Ronan reported witnessing his father behave inappropriately toward his sister and wrote, “I believe my sister.”
Allen has denied the allegations.
In the past, actors including Kate Winslet and Miley Cyrus have offered clumsy defenses for working with Allen.