Twitter, once a safe void in which to shout your random ideas, has now apparently become a place where those ideas snowball into something quite different. Yesterday, Billy Eichner suggested that The Comeback should, uh, return for a third season in which Valerie Cherish decides to get political and woke. Sure! That’s a funny joke (also even funnier when it’s a Debra Messing joke). But then, Lindsay Lohan, checking in from Dubai, announced that she was in for the idea. Does Lindsay want to play Valerie? Is she interested in playing some other, presumably “woke” character? Whatever, all that matters is that she is in.
A few hours later, Lisa Kudrow, Valerie Cherish herself, decided that she does need to see that and chimed in to note that “that’s interesting …” It is, I guess. Anyway, Sarah Paulson is also interested, so look forward to The Comeback season three with Lindsay Lohan sometime after we get that Rihanna-Lupita Twitter movie.