FX has officially ordered Kurt Sutter’s Sons of Anarchy spinoff Mayans MC to series, announcing that the ten-episode first season will premiere sometime in 2018. To tide fans over until then, the network has also offered a first look at its new star, EZ Reyes (JD Pardo), a prospect of the titular gang’s chapter along the California-Mexico border who’s newly released from prison. The show will be set in a post–Jax Teller world where EZ must now “carve out his new outlaw identity in a town where he once was the golden boy who had the American Dream within his grasp.” Reyes will also struggle with balancing his desire for vengeance against the cartel and his need for respect from the women he loves. At Vulture Festival earlier this year, Sutter described the spinoff as “the next chapter of a bigger mythology.” He added, “The world has to feel familiar enough for people to tap into it, and yet I don’t want it to feel derivative or the Latino version of Sons.”