While on the press trail to promote Proud Mary, Taraji P. Henson stopped by Complex’s Hot Ones to talk about her life, her Instagram, and to see how many hot wings she could eat before tapping out. The array of wings laid out before Henson got gradually hotter as she moved along the board, with the hottest wing doused in a sauce that allegedly exceeds 2 million on the Scoville heat scale. Henson tapped out at the sixth wing, but with four more to go, the actress got her soft-spoken security guard Dave to handle the rest — which he did with aplomb. Henson, meanwhile, like the figurative and literal boss she is in this situation, sipped her Crown Royal on ice and continued her interview. And she knew exactly where credit was due after all the insanely hot wings had been consumed.

Good job, Taraji (and by Taraji we mean Dave).