The Fifty Shades franchise offers its fair share of sexual situations, but they’re mild compared with what Double Lover has in store. This wild, kinky thriller from director François Ozon had Cannes Film Festival audiences applauding its audacity: After all, it’s not every day you watch a film that match-dissolves from a woman’s vagina to her crying eye. That indelible image is truly just the first of the outlandish moments this sex-soaked movie offers in spades, and the lead actors are not just beautiful but game as all get out: Marine Vacth stars as a troubled woman who embarks on two separate affairs with twin psychiatrists (both played by Jérémie Renier, who proves more than willing to make out with himself and get pegged onscreen). It’s an audacious movie to be sure, and the release date is suitably bold, too: It will open in U.S. theaters on Valentine’s Day, directly opposite Fifty Shades Freed. Watch the exclusive trailer for Double Lover below, and let Christian and Anastasia know they’ve got competition.