Jena Friedman Talks #MeToo and the “North American Tiki Nazi” on ‘Conan’

Jena Friedman heads to Adult Swim later this month with her new special Soft Focus, but in the meantime you can check out her standup set from last night’s Conan. Friedman reflects on how tough things have been for men lately and offers them some very helpful tips: “If you’re around a woman and she makes you feel nervous, just picture her clothed. Think of her as your daughter, or better yet, a person. Treat her as an equal. I know it sounds crazy, but then maybe she won’t blog about you on a website no one’s ever heard of,” Friedman says. Things might be tough for men, but things are going great for what Friedman refers to as the North American Tiki Nazi. So what’s a good nonviolent solution? “If you see a Nazi on the street, don’t punch him, but maybe lightly harass him. Catcall him. Tell him to smile. If any Nazis work for you, pay them less. Take credit for their ideas,” she says. “If we in America treat Nazis the way that we treat women, at the very least, they will never become president.”

Jena Friedman Talks #MeToo and the “North American […]