To kick off the individual Olympic figure skating competition, married U.S. pairs team Alexa Scimeca Knierim and Chris Knierim got to spend their Valentine’s Day on the ice, days after winning bronze in the team portion. Skating to a decidedly less-raunchy song from Moulin Rogue! than the Canadian ice dancers, the Knierims sealed their romantic short program with a smooch. Cue the aws! Though the routine was only good enough for 14th place, the lovebirds, who got hitched two years ago after Alexa beat a life-threatening gastrointestinal condition, were unfazed. “We were soaking it in. We promised we would be present every single second,” Alexa told NBC after their skate. Chris added that he whispered “great job and Happy Valentine’s Day” to her at the end of the program and also gave her an adorable paper heart asking her to be his valentine, which then led to Alexa dropping this bomb: “I told him the only thing that would top this is having a child on Valentine’s Day!” Come what may!