Despite former White House adviser — and low-key Game of Thrones enthusiast — Anthony Scaramucci currently writing a book about his short time working for Donald Trump at the White House, there’s one creative outlet The Mooch will refuse to explore. For the time being, at least. In a new interview with The Wrap, Mucci revealed he’s been contacted by nearly every television network under the sun to get him to star in his own reality series, but the offers just didn’t pique his interest. “I have been offered more than one reality show,” he explained. “I’ve said no to all of them.” While reasonably flattered by the attention he received by networks in the hopes of wrangling him for a show, Scara admitted he didn’t want to seem like a political prop for people to poke fun at, as evidenced by an offer he recently received by a late-night legend.
“I think Jon Stewart wanted me to wear a chicken suit or something like that at some fundraising event and I was like, Okay, that’s not me,” he said. “I’m not wearing a chicken suit. You know, I think that what the left likes to do with people that support Trump is they want to dehumanize you.” Besides, he doesn’t want to end up like Sean Spicer rolling around at the Emmys, anyway: “I think he would probably look at that and think that was a mistake in hindsight.”