Saints preserve us! Elisabeth Moss has become the final leading lady to join the upcoming crime drama The Kitchen, putting her alongside Tiffany Haddish and Melissa McCarthy as a group of women forced to fend for themselves following some unusual circumstances in 1970s Hell’s Kitchen. THR confirms the film will depict the wives of Irish mobsters who end up running the business “after the FBI does a sweep of the mafia and several men are arrested,” taking on different roles within the organization as a result. McCarthy is an “adoring mother who leads the women’s charge to take over the business,” Haddish is a woman “willing to kill anyone in the way of her plan,” and Moss is a “timid wife of an abusive husband who falls in love with the violence of her new life.” We’ll have to wait until September 2019 to see it, but in the meantime, Martin Scorsese has us covered with Irish-themed cinematic content, phew.